2016年2月8日,IATF已批准新版质量标准的初稿; 2016年4月IATF召开新版标准的评审会议,将进一步收集各相关方的要求,发布标准的意见稿。 2016年6月份开始,将在范围内征集意见,通过各相关方的意见反馈,进一步细化标准和相关准则。 2016年12月完成新版标准的修订。 新版标准的变化点,主要包括以下内容: 与相关的零件及其工艺
的要求; 增产品可追溯的要求,以支持新的监管变化; 嵌入式软件产品的需求; 保证管理过程包括处理NTF(没有发现故障)和使用汽车行业指导; 分层次供应商管理和
发展要求的说明; 增加企业责任要求。
08 February 2016 The IATF has approved the first draft of the new automotive quality standard to include additional stakeholder feedback. The revision work
team is preparing for an April 2016 conference to obtain further stakeholder input. The IATF intends to release the transition strategy from ISO/TS
16949:2009 to the new automotive quality standard in April 2016. Pilot gap assessments will be conducted May through June 2016 worldwide. Feedback from gap
assessments will be used to further refine the new automotive quality standard and the associated Rules for achieving and maintaining IATF recognition. The
target date for completion of the new automotive quality standard is December 2016. Some of the new enhancements to the automotive quality standard to
address recent issues in the automotive industry include the following: Requirements for safety-related parts and processes Enhanced product traceability
requirements to support latest regulatory changes Requirements for products with embedded software Warranty management process including addressing NTF (no
trouble found) and use of automotive industry guidance Clarification of sub-tier supplier management and development requirements Addition of corporate
responsibility requirements